Mile High Club

DB Cooper Nite TShirt
DB Cooper Nite TShirt

I've done a lot of stupid things in pretty unconventional places, so it may come as some surprise that I'm actually not a member of the Mile High Club.  I'm usually so engrossed in the Sky Mall magazine and the 10 gin and tonics that it takes to actually get me on a speeding tin can of death, that having any sort of physical interaction beyond ordering another drink is way beyond my comfort zone. I am however fascinated by those rare individuals who see air travel as  not just a means for getting from one place to another, but an opportunity.

Case and point, DB Cooper, actually Dan, well, really we don't know what his real name was, but we do know this: On November 24th, 1971, this guy walked down the stairs of a Boeing 727 with $200 G strapped to his chest, the plane was cruising somewhere around 10 thousand feet at 200mph and the windchill would have been around -7. What happened after that, nobody knows for sure.  DB had cajones the size of Philadelphia, his extortion of the airlines, bomb threat and crazy assed escape are the stuff of real life criminal legend.

I like to keep up to date on my perp history, especially when local heroes are involved, but I didn't know nearly enough about this inspiring story until I listened to the freakin fantastic podcast "DB Cooper" Kick Ass Oregon History.   Pulp fiction for the ears my friends, but true!  I'll have to paraphrase my favorite line, just before DB makes his leap of faith... "high on bennies and burbon, he was literally on top of the world" .

doctor down under1
doctor down under1

I'm so smitten with the Oregon History folks that I've put together a couple raffle items for their upcoming DB Cooper night gathering at Mississippi Studios on the 20th at 7:30.  Sounds like a winning evening there's even a bottle of Pendelton Whiskey up for grabs.  Not wanting to be left out of the mayhem, I'm donating a stellar pair of retro see-behind-sun-glasses for the perfect get away and this amazing airline opportunist pulp fiction pendant.

The necklace is a reproduction of the only Harlequin Romance I've ever read, "Doctor Down Under" the story of a man who makes house calls in the bush.  I kid you not. OK, well, he's a doctor in Australia, who travels by single engine plane to remote settlements in the bareback, I mean, outback.  If you don't win this stunning piece of trash fiction at DB Cooper Night, you can always pick up your own copy in my Etsy shop.

And, if you're up for more great Oregon Kick Ass History, check out their other shows, really great stuff, I can't recommend it enough, especially if you're like me and have a penchant for stories peppered with F-Bombs and Van Halen soundtracks.