Iron Craft- I accept!

Smack Down
Smack Down

The gauntlet has been thrown down!  Some very well meaning crafters issued a challenge, 52 projects in one year, something groovy, once a week. Iron Craft! You know what, all the hounds in hell couldn't keep me away from a proposal like this. It's not like I've got to create some sort of jaw dropping amazingly tallented Skull-a-Day thingy-o.  Just something crafty, like a good alibi, but with art supplies, sounds do-able.  (Blogging about it once a week, that's a whole other kettle of stinky fish).

Of course, I'll have to put my own criminal spin on things, we can't hide from ourselves can we?

The challenge for this week was to make something with light.  Because I was a little late coming to the party- I discovered I had about two hours to throw something together, photograph it, upload and blog.So I went for votive candle, the standby craft that has never let me down.  It comes together almost instantly and makes the perfect hostess gift, plus I love the smell of burning Modge Podge and hot wax, just like a San Quintin summer morning!

I've posted a few other photos in the Flickr pool and you can see what the other talented folks are up to too.  Looks like, for once, I'm in good company.

iron craft
iron craft