PDX Mini Maker Faire

the man
the man

I barely have words to describe how incredibly cool day one was of the PDX Mini Maker Faire at OMSI.  I'll do a big fat link round up later, after I've had a little sleep and time to process all the great stuff I saw and new friends made.  The mug shot photo booth was a huge hit and I'll post pics up on flickr too as there were many, many amazing costume combinations and a wrap sheet of the world's greatest crimes-  Since I encouraged folks to come up with their own caption for the booking photos, there was a huge variety of crimes and misdemeanors, though I think today's favorite was "early morning toilet slammer" followed by the kid who's crime was being a hipster and yelled "that's so main-stream" when I took his photo.  There is one more day of amazing action if you can make it down here- remember code word is "you're the yarn bomb" for a free gift from me, and if you can't make it to my booth, there is lots of fun Criminal Craft handmade goodness in my Etsy shop.